The NPCAC serves multiple counties in the north -west and north-central regions of North Dakota, including two Native American Reservations.
For Visiting Children and Families:
- Snacks (Individually wrapped)
- Water Bottles
- Juice Boxes
- Art Supplies (Crayons, paper, markers, etc.)
- Teen Magazines and Books
- Gas Station Gift Cards
- Bus Tokens
- Taxi Vouchers
Agency Supplies:
- Disinfecting Wipes
- Keurig Coffee Pods
- Copy Paper (8.5 x 11)
- Financial Donations for therapeutic services

Northern Plains Children’s Advocacy Center took an uneasy experience & turned it into an educational & welcoming experience.

The Mission of the Northern Plains Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) is to protect children by providing on-site agency collaboration utilizing a multi-disciplinary team approach in prevention, investigation, assessment and referral for prosecution and treatment of child abuse.
The Northern Plains CAC provides a compassionate and effective way to bring services to children victimized by abuse. This public-private collaboration significantly reduces the trauma associated with reporting child abuse and holds offenders accountable.